JB police’s insensitivity to mourners - Malaysiakini

Nukilan Khairul Faizi bin Ahmad Kamil | 10/21/2007 09:09:00 PM | 0 Pandangan »

Geoff Wade, Singapore
Oct 19, 07 7:53pm

It was with some grave concern that I was informed of a recent event in Johor Bahru and it is felt that the matter is of such importance that it should be drawn to Malaysiakini’s attention.

You may have read that Elizabeth Chew Gaik Im, a well respected educator, was
attacked and killed by some motorcyclists in Johor Bahru on Sept 30 during a robbery. That in itself was obviously a matter of immeasurable sadness for the family.

However, during the mass for her held in the Sacred Heart Church in JB on Oct 2, that sadness was to be immensely compounded by the intentionally disruptive actions of the Johor police.

The police went to the church during the mass for the departed and demanded the body of Ms Chew for forensic purposes.

They then took away the body during the mass to the understandable sorrow of not only the family but everyone of her friends present to celebrate her life.

There is no scientific need for a forensic examination two days after the event to be conducted precisely during a religious service.

Such action can only be described as inhuman and could only be premised on arrogance and spite. Might an apology to the family by the police be in order?
With best wishes to Malaysiakini’s efforts in producing a more tolerant and equitable Malaysia.

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