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Kesungguhan Marina untuk memastikan bahawa TDM cepat sembuh adalah sangat mulia tetapi tindakannya mengadakan upacara sebegini seperti tidak yakin sepenuhnya dengan Tuhan yang Maha Esa.
Kesian Marina....
Surat Jemputan dari Datuk Marina Mahathir,
Dear friends, You are cordially invited to a multifaith doa selamat on Sunday Sept 9 2007 at 7pm at Blog House, 66, Lorong Setiabistari 2, Bukit Damansara, KL
7pm - Arrival of guests
7.15pm - Maghrib prayers led by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
7.30pm - Prayers by each faith to be led by:
Archbishop Murphy Packiam, Christian Federation of Malaysia
Swami Samyam Ananda, Divine Life Society (Hindu prayers)
Mr BS Tan, Federation of Taoist Associations of Malaysia
Buddhist community (TBC)
Sikh community (TBC)
Baha'i community (TBC)
Imam Feisal will end with a doa.
8.00pm Dinner (Times are approximate)
Please do join us if you can.
The gathering is to do a thanksgiving to God Almighty for my father's successful operation and continued recovery.
It is also an opportunity for us to thank all well-wishers for the kind prayers and support that they have extended to me and my family.
Thank you.
Marina and family

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